Thursday, March 5, 2009

Better Late Than Never!!

Well, the moment we all have been waiting for. Finally pictures of the 20 week ultrasound. (Sorry it took so long. It is difficult to access a scanner and taking digital pics of the photos didn't work because they are so glossy.) 

First, let me tell you a little about what is going on lately with us. In January I had 3 days off school, with which we painted the nursery. That was really fun! We went within the brown family. We have one wall with large 2 1/2' squares painted on it randomly interspersing
 chocolate brown, caramel, and a cream color. There are 4 squares left to be painted that will hopefully be painted blue or pink before I get home from the hospital with our little one. Then the other three walls are the caramel color. I must say, it looks very cool and modern. Also, we are getting carpet next Wednesday to complete the outer layer of the nursery. I will post pics of this once we get the crib and stuff up. 

Also, I have not added photos of me on this blog mostly because I have not changed at all!! If I hear one more person say "you are almost 6 months pregnant and you don't look it at all," I think I may scream. But the good thing is, I haven't gained any weight in the last 4 months. I have only gained 10 lbs total -which is good. Plus people keep telling me I've lost weight in my face so that makes me feel good. I'd still like to show though because I figure if I'm showing maybe then I can feel this little one and see it move on the outside. 

Which brings me to my next thing and that is the amazing feeling of the baby moving. I've been lucky to feel it for the last month now and it keeps getting more and more active and distinct. I love that feeling and can't wait for Steve to be able to experience it too. It never gets old!!

Okay, I can't think of anything else, so ON TO THE PICTURES!! :)  First, let me say that our little one was either being shy (that's what I say if it's a girl) or stubborn (of course- boy). The baby was facing toward my right hip and would not turn around so it was difficult to get many clear pictures. We will start with the general ones and the go to the 3D ones. 

This is the picture that Steve calls our "little sheep." It is a picture of the baby from the side with his/her spine up at the top and ribs coming down. 

In this picture, the small profile is on the right hand side. You can really only see the sloping of the forehead as the head is tucked toward his/her chest. But the cool part of this picture is on the left of the photo you can see skeleton like fingers. The baby is actually holding his/her hands together as in a prayer. It is so cute!

This is probably the best picture to show the baby's profile and arm. You can see his/her arm is right up by it's face.

This is another one of my favorites. Here you can see the 3D picture of the baby again with his/her arm up by the head. The arrow is pointing to the elbow. It is amazing how 'real' this looks. I know 'real' sounds stupid but it takes a while to really GET that there is a human inside of you. I still don't really comprehend it. :)

Last but not least, this is the best face shot we could get of the baby. Since he/she was facing away, it is more from the 3D angle. If you look carefully, you will see a moon shaped shadow on the right hand side about half way down. That is an eye. Then heading "southwest" in the picture, there is another curved shadow which outlines his/her nose. Under the nose is my favorite part, you can see a shadow of an upper lip and then 3 small vertical-ish shadow lines. Those are his/her fingers. The baby is sucking 3 of it's fingers and the thumb is on the right hand side outside the mouth. Isn't that the cutest?!?! I LOVE IT!! I can't wait to see those little fingers for real in 4 months. 

Well those are the most recent pics of our little one. I wish I could get more. I feel like I am addicted to my baby and can't look at him/her enough. I guess we will all have to wait 4 more months. 

I will post again when I have pics of the nursery and or me looking "prego". Thanks for checking up!! 

Lots of Love,